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Vice President for Student Affairs, 第九条 Coordinator



有很多法律通知, 学生的权利, 规定, and laws that affect students in the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载 (澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载) community. 查看这些策略 (Policies can be found in the current 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 课程目录). 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载是内华达州高等教育系统(NSHE)的一个系统机构,鼓励所有学生追求学术研究和其他学院赞助的活动,促进智力成长和个人发展. 学生有责任遵守NSHE和其他学院指导方针,并满足相应的学院要求. 加入学术团体, 学生享有自由学习的权利,并在行使这一自由的过程中分担责任.


学生的知情权《澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载》要求所有参与1965年《澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载》第四章和1991年《澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载》授权的学生经济援助计划的机构, 公法102-26, to disclose the graduation rate and/or persistence rate of all full-time, degree-seeking or certificate-seeking undergraduate students. This information is available at the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 招生 and Records Office on the Elko Campus.

截至2016-2017年, 四年平均学生知情权毕业率为33%,转学率为10%. 访问澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 IPEDS链接 http://09u.pakhobby.com/IR/IPEDS.html 浏览更多资料及最新统计数字.

While reviewing this information please note:

  • 毕业率是基于出席率相当于150%的学位或证书课程.
  • Graduation rates do not include students who left the school to serve in the armed forces, 或者官方的教会使命, or in the foreign services of the federal government. Students who died or were totally permanently disabled are also excluded.


  • 自动完成大学低级通识教育要求, 州立大学, 以及在完成副学士学位后提供学士学位的社区学院, 理学副学士, or an Associate of Business degree from an NSHE community college.
  • Access information from the community colleges, 州立大学, and universities about their transfer admission requirements, 包括入学所需的文件, 住房, and information about the institution’s costs, 金融援助, 以及学生服务.
  • Access information about the transfer of specific courses, 学分, 成绩, 以及学位要求. This includes information about transferring courses with 成绩 below a “C,学生可能会重复这些课程, 以及以前通过考试获得的学分.
  • 获取和接收与入学和转学相关的书面决定(电子或纸质),具体如下:
    • Acceptance by the community colleges (limited access programs only), 州立大学, 还有大学.
    • Evaluation of courses and credits accepted for transfer credit and their course equivalencies, 如果适用的话.
    • 转学课程大纲和转学课程或学分将满足的学位或课程要求.
    • 分析完成所选主修课程的学位所需的学期学分.
    • NSHE机构的上诉程序 transfer-related决定.
  • Appeal any NSHE institution’s transfer-related decision. 上诉程序将由每个NSHE机构制定和维护,并在各机构的网站上公布.
  • 根据课程目录的毕业要求,选择下列任何一项毕业, provided that the course catalog at the time of graduation is not more 十岁以下:
    • The course catalog of the year of enrollment in a NSHE的学士学位课程/项目 community college (valid transfer contract may be required).
    • The course catalog of the year of transfer into a baccalaureate level program at the universities, 州立大学, or community colleges that offer select baccalaureate degrees.
    • The course catalog of the year of graduation from an NSHE institution.

警告: Changing majors may result in a change to the course catalog and graduation requirements. As a result, the time required for degree completion may increase.

注意: 学生拥有上述所有权利,以及校董会转学政策摘要中概述的任何其他权利. The summary can be accessed at the NSHE website. Paper copies of this document are available upon request at the institution’s admission office.


  • 了解他们考虑转学的院校的转学政策和程序. 学生应向转学院校查询有关核心课程的信息, 先决条件, 主要项目要求, 学位要求, 招生, 金融援助, 奖学金, 住房, 最后期限, 限制, 以及其他与转移相关的标准.
  • 完成申请所需的所有材料,并在公布的截止日期或之前提交申请.
  • Research how courses are applicable to degree and major requirements.
  • 要明白,如果他们换了专业, not all courses taken will necessarily apply to their new major.
  • Plan ahead and realize that appointments with advisers are necessary.
  • Understand that after a break in their enrollment, status as an admitted student may be affected.


  • Make transfer-related policies and procedures available on their websites.
  • 为学生解答有关转学问题的常见问题,并为学生提供适当的后续预约机会.
  • Provide information on the approximate costs of attending the institution, 包括学费, 书籍及用品, 住房, 以及其他相关费用.
  • Relay admission and transfer-related决定 to students in writing (electronic or paper), including information about the student’s appeal rights.
  • 根据要求建立并提供内部申诉程序,以审查与调动有关的问题和决定.
  • 从事连续工作, NSHE机构之间澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载转学相关问题的真实对话,目的是在挑战对学生产生负面影响之前解决这些挑战.

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 15完成标志.




  • Civility - have respect for others: students, faculty, staff, and the campus community. Be respectful, polite, and considerate in any classroom, live or digital.
  • Active - embrace the active process of learning. 维持一个有利于学习的课堂环境:要勤奋、投入、忠诚.
  • Responsibilities - you are accountable for your actions, work, words, and behavior. Courteous behavior and responses are expected: Be honorable, 有责任心的, 真实的, 和可靠的.
  • Excellence - in the classroom, optimizes an atmosphere of teaching and learning. Classroom discussion is meant for everyone’s viewpoint to be expressed on the topic at hand. All students should be afforded the courtesy and opportunity to be heard: Be exceptional.
  • S成功——成功的大学生拥抱所有的教育经历,欢迎多样性和不同的想法. 接受挑战.

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, students are expected to assist in maintaining a class environment that is conducive to learning. 学生的行为举止不应破坏教学气氛. 所有课堂参与者都有责任通过礼貌和使用尊重的语言来保持课堂讨论的文明和不破坏性. 这个有礼貌, 这种行为继续在课堂之外的任何在线课堂讨论网站或WebCampus课程或互动视频(IAV)上进行。.

Be an engaged learner and encourage your fellow students to do so as well.


Vice President for Student Affairs, 第九条 Coordinator



澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载, “白银之州的金本位制”, offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, 职业和技术领域. 欢迎超过4人,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's presence extends across 两个时区 and spans more than 86,整个内华达州的面积达1000平方英里. 农村高等教育领跑者, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载为培养能够满足行业需求并为当地经济的成功和繁荣做出贡献的学生而感到自豪.

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